Object Description

Object Name Description
Conversation_Recipient_Map__c This object contains the value of the Conversation lookup.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c This object contains the profile ID related to the sender ID of the user.
Error_Log__c This object stores the error log raised while using the Converse application.
AccessibleChannels__c This object contains the value whether MMS and SMS is enabled or not for user .
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__c The object stores batch related information for Campaign.
Conversation_View_Setting__c Custom setting to filter the incoming and outgoing messages’ records based on user selection.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c This object stores the package type.
Converse_App__c This is the container object for driving the SMS usage through SMS-Magic in planned manner. The object gives an easy way to control and use SMS-Magic. The object also gives control on Template usage.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__c This object stores recently used listview filters or converse apps on converse desk.
Unrelated_Object_Config__c This object stores information about parent object.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__c This is SMS-Magic Security setting object. For storing the APP key, API key and user’s register status.
Object_Metadata_Config__c This object stores label of page or button created through Interact package.
Campaign Not part of package.
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c This setting will hold the values of the steps that have been completed by the user.
global_settings__c A place to store all system wide custom settings used to configure behavior of SMS Magic Interact application
Incoming_SMS__c You can receive incoming sms to this number.
Keyword_Action_Config__c To be used in future.
License__c Stores information of a license whether a license is active or not.
Update_Related_Lists__c Update related lists of incoming and outgoing messages on lead conversion
Child_Object_Config__c To be used in future.
Object_Field_Config__c Stores field name to be used by Message Object Config object.
SMS_Template__c SMS Template is similar to Email template, it gives way to add personalization to bulk sms’ing.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__c This setting allows administrators to disable certain triggers on SMS Magic managed package.
Keyword_Action_Map__c Stores the keyword info for converse app action.
Converse_App_User_Map__c Stores the info of users assigned to converse app.
Action__c Stores the supported actions on conversation.
MMS_Detail__c Stores the MMS detail of Outgoing.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__c Stores the MMS detail of Incoming.
Message_Object_Config__c operator to be used to check if record is opted out
Action_Parameter__c Stores the parameter details for supported actions.
Converse_App_Action__c As Converse App is container of SMS activities like Bulk SMS, Automated SMS, We need a sub object which will be used to store the Activity instruction level details. E.g. Bulk for sub purpose A, B,C or An automation configurations for each of workflow rule.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__c This object will store information about which fields to be used to for showing conversation listing. This setting will be configurable per user.
Acknowledgement_Popup_Setting__c This setting is used to show or hide popup message on send sms button click of record detail page.
Keyword__c Stores the keyword info.
Converse_App_Task__c Stores the instance for converse app when bulk , single or automated messages are sent.
Converse_App_Template_Map__c For mapping templates with converse Apps
Action_Object__c Stores action supported for MOC objects.
Alpha_SenderID_Map__c Stores the return path of alpha numeric sender id.
smsMagic__c SMS-Magic object in Interact, This is basic Object which stores information about Outgoing SMS.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__c This is used for configuring sms magic interacts endpoints.
SMS_Schedule__c Stores the schedule for sending out messages.
Conversation_Related_Objects__c Stores the related object info of a conversation.
Conversation_Sender_Map__c Stores the sender id for conversations.
License_Management__c Stores the number of SMC licenses for org.
SMS_SenderId__c id of email template which should be used for notification
Conversation_Intent_Map__c Not part of package.
Conversation__c This object stores the conversations.

Deprecated Objects

Object Name Description
List_View_Execution__c Batch information of list view will be stored .
Duration_To_View_History__c Number of days up to which user can scale up to in history’s query on incoming. [cutOfDate]
List_View_Configuration__c Filter criteria for SMS from list view
Acknowledgement_Popup_Setting__c forward_config__c

Label And Description

Object Name Field Name Field Label Field Description
Conversation_Recipient_Map__c Conversation__c Conversation This field contains the value of the Conversation lookup.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c Profile_Id__c Profile Id This field contains the profile ID related to the sender ID of the user.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c SenderId_Lookup__c SenderId Lookup This field contains the ID to retrieve sender ID.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c User__c User This field contains the user information related to the default sender ID.
Error_Log__c Batch_Id__c Batch Id This field contains the batch ID if the error occurred in a batch.
Error_Log__c Class_Name__c Class Name This field contains the class name where the error occurred.
Error_Log__c Error_Message__c Error Message This field contains the description of the error.
Error_Log__c Error_Status_Code__c Error Status Code This field contains the error code.
Error_Log__c Error_Type__c Error Type This field contains the error type. The type can be: Generic, SOQL, Permission, or Custom.
Error_Log__c Fields__c Fields Stores the fields of an object because of which the error originated.
Error_Log__c Line_number__c Line number This field contains the line number of the class where error originated.
Error_Log__c Object__c Object This field contains the object on which the error occurred.
Error_Log__c User__c User This field contains the user for which the error occurred.
AccessibleChannels__c IsMMSEnabled__c Is MMS Enabled This field contains the value whether MMS is enabled or not.
AccessibleChannels__c IsSMSEnabled__c Is SMS Enabled This field contains the value whether SMS is enabled or not.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__c Campaign__c Campaign This field contains the lookup of Campaign for which SMS batch was executed.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__c Execution_Status__c Execution Status This field contains the execution status. The status can be: Queued, Processing, etc.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__c Job_Id__c Job Id This field contains the job ID of the batch executed for sending SMS.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c Expired__c Expired This field indicates the account subscription is Expired.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c Package1__c Package1 This field indicates the account subscription is Starter.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c Package2__c Package2 This field indicates the account subscription is Value.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c Package3__c Package3 This field indicates the account subscription is Automation.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__c Trial__c Trial This field indicates account is in the trial subscription period.
Converse_App__c Action_Count__c Number of Actions This field contains the number of actions in a Comverse App.
Converse_App__c End_Date__c End Date This field contains the end date for Converse App.
Converse_App__c ErrorMessages__c Error Messages This field contains the error message encountered in sending messages.
Converse_App__c ErrorState__c Error State This field contains the value for the checkbox field if an error exists. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.
Converse_App__c Object__c Salesforce Object This field contains the primary object for the Converse App.
Converse_App__c Owner__c Owner This field contains the owner of the Converse App.
Converse_App__c PrimaryType__c PrimaryType This field contains the primary purpose of Converse App. This purpose can be: Manual or Automation.
Converse_App__c Purpose__c Purpose This field contains the purpose of the Converse App.
Converse_App__c Start_Date__c Start Date This field contains the start date of the Converse App.
Converse_App__c Status__c Status This field contains the current status of the Converse App. Status can be Draft, Active, Paused, Closed, or Archived.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__c Filter_ID__c Filter ID This field contains the ID of list view or Converse App selected on Converse Desk.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__c Filter_Object__c Filter Object This field contains the name of the object on which the List View or Converse App was selected in Converse Desk.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__c User__c User This field contains the user ID that selected List View or Converse App filter in Converse Desk.
Unrelated_Object_Config__c Parent_Object_Id__c Parent Object Id This field contains ID of the Parent Message Object Config record.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__c Api_Key__c Api Key This field contains the API key for authentication process.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__c Application_key__c Application key This field contains the application key of organization. This is a private key used for application registration.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__c isRegistered__c isRegistered This field contains value of the registeration status of the application. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.
Object_Metadata_Config__c Metadata_Id__c Metadata Id This field contains ID information of the page created through Interact package.
Object_Metadata_Config__c Metadata_Label__c Metadata Label This field contains the label of the page or button created through Interact package.
Object_Metadata_Config__c Metadata_Type__c Metadata Type This field contains the type of the component created through Interact package. Component is either Page or Button.
Object_Metadata_Config__c Parent_Object_Id__c Parent Object Id This field contains ID information of the parent MOC record for which page or button is created.
global_settings__c Can_Setup_App__c Can Setup App Select this field to enable the user to setup Converse Apps.
global_settings__c Compliance_Type__c Compliance Type This field contains the value of the compliance mechanism used in organization. The values can be: OptIn or OptOut or blank meaning no compliance check required
global_settings__c Default_Email_Notification_Template__c Default Email Notification Template This field contains the ID of the email template used by default for email notification on incoming message.
global_settings__c Enable_Incoming_Notification__c Enable Incoming Notification This field contains the value for new message notification. The value can be: Select for notification or Clear for no notification.
global_settings__c Is_Coverage_Setup_Complete__c Is Coverage Setup Complete This field contains the value about completion on Coverage step in Setup. The value can be Select for successful completion of the Coverage step or Clear for Coverage step not complete.
global_settings__c Lookup_not_in_outgoing_message__c Lookup not in outgoing message Checking this settings would try to lookup to every object present in object config irrespective of whether the latest message from the same number had a lookup to that object or not.
global_settings__c Max_SMS_Text_Length__c Max SMS Text Length This field contains the value of the maximum permissible length for SMS.
global_settings__c Task_Subject__c Task Subject This field contains the value of the Task Subject. Use this value to send automated SMS on task creation.
global_settings__c Use_Common_Object__c Use Single Message Object Select this field to use common object for incoming and outgoing messages.
global_settings__c Use_Config_for_Incoming_Message_Lookup__c Use Config for Incoming Message Lookup Select this field to use incoming lookup logic based on phone number and Sender ID on a setup where incoming messages are stored in separate object.
global_settings__c Use_Default_SenderId__c Use Default SenderId This field contains the value to ensure that only default sender is shown on sender ID selection while sending SMS.
global_settings__c isDataMigrationAccessible__c Is Data Migration Accessible This field contains the value to enable User interface for Data Migration.
global_settings__c lastExecutedMigrationBatchId__c Last Executed Migration BatchId This field contains the ID of last data migration batch. Use this field to identify progress of data migration steps.
Incoming_SMS__c Campaign__c Campaign This field contains the value of the related campaign for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Case__c Case This field contains the value of the related case for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Contact__c Contact This field contains the value of the related contact for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Conversation__c Conversation This field contains the value of the related conversation for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Converse_App_Action__c Converse App Action This field contains the value of the related converse app for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Converse_App_Task__c Converse App Task This field contains the value of the related app task for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the value of the related app for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c Favourite__c Favourite This field contains the value of the message as favorite if the user selects this field.
Incoming_SMS__c Inbound_Number__c Inbound Number This field contains the value of the To number that can recieve incoming SMS.
Incoming_SMS__c Lead__c Lead This field contains the value of the related lead for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__c MMS_Type__c Message Type This field contains the value of the message type. The value can be: SMS or MMS.
Incoming_SMS__c Mobile_Number__c Mobile Number This fields contains the mobile number sending message.
Incoming_SMS__c Mobile_Number_without_ISD_Code__c Mobile Number without ISD Code This fields contains the mobile number sending message without ISD code.
Incoming_SMS__c New__c New Select this field to mark the message as New.
Incoming_SMS__c ObjectType__c Object This field contains the primary object.
Incoming_SMS__c SMS_Text__c SMS Text This field contains the text sent by the client.
Incoming_SMS__c User__c User This field contains the ID of the related user.
Incoming_SMS__c actionTaken__c Action Taken This field contains the action taken on Incoming. The action can be: Create Task, Create Lead, Create Contact, Create Case, etc.
Incoming_SMS__c external_field__c External Field This field contains the ID for external systems.
Incoming_SMS__c outgoing_sms__c Outgoing SMS This field contains the ID of the previous outgoing SMS.
Incoming_SMS__c taskId__c taskId This field contains the related task ID.
Keyword_Action_Config__c Field_To_Update__c Field To Update To be used in future. This field contains the API name of the field to update.
Keyword_Action_Config__c Keyword__c Keyword To be used in future. This field contains the value of the keyword.
Keyword_Action_Config__c Related_To__c Related To To be used in future. This field contains the ID of the related Message Object Config (MOC).
Keyword_Action_Config__c Value__c Value To be used in future. This field contains value to be used in Field To Update.
License__c Status__c Status This field contains the license status. The status can be: Active or Inactive.
License__c User__c User This field contains the user ID to which license is assigned.
Update_Related_Lists__c Update_Account_Related_List__c Update Account Related List Select this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Account on Lead conversion.
Update_Related_Lists__c Update_Contact_Related_List__c Update Contact Related List Select this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Contact on Lead conversion.
Update_Related_Lists__c Update_Opportunity_Related_List__c Update Opportunity Related List Select this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Opportunity on Lead conversion.
Child_Object_Config__c Parent_Object_Id__c Parent Object Id To be used in future. This field contains the ID of the related MOC.
Object_Field_Config__c Field_Name__c Field Name This field contains the field name used by MOC object.
Object_Field_Config__c Field_Purpose__c Field Purpose This field contains the purpose of which field name used by the MOC object.
Object_Field_Config__c Field_Type__c Field Type This field gives information about how to use Field Name.
Object_Field_Config__c Object_Message_Config__c Related To Master Object This field contains the ID of the parent MOC record.
Object_Field_Config__c Unrelated_Object_Config__c Unrelated Object Record This field contains the ID of the Unrelated Object Config. Used only when the purpose is unrelated.
SMS_Template__c Description__c Description This field contains the description of the template.
SMS_Template__c Name__c Name This field contains the name of template.
SMS_Template__c ObjectName__c ObjectName This field contains the Objects for which templates to be created.
SMS_Template__c Text__c Text This field contains the text in the template.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__c Disable_Incoming_Lookup__c Disable Incoming Lookup Select this field to stop lookup and actions happening on incoming messages from managed package code.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__c Disable_Lead_Conversion__c Disable Lead Conversion Select this field to stop migration of messages and conversations on Lead migration.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__c Disable_Mail_Sending__c Disable Mail Sending Select this field to disable managed package code to send email notifications on incoming messages.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__c Disable_Salesforce_Task__c Disable Salesforce Task Select this field to disable sending an automated messages on Salesforce Task creation.
Contact SMSOptOut__c SMS Opt Out This field contains the value to mark the contact as OptOut.
Keyword_Action_Map__c Action_Type__c Action Type This field contains the type of Action. The type can be: Trigger or Response.
Keyword_Action_Map__c Converse_App_Action__c Converse App Action This field contains the lookup of related action.
Keyword_Action_Map__c Keyword__c Keyword This field contains the lookup of related keyword.
Converse_App_User_Map__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
Converse_App_User_Map__c User__c User This field contains the ID of the related user.
Action__c Action_To_Perform__c Action To Perform This field contains the Action type to perform The type can be: Create Lead or Case or Task.
Action__c Action_Type__c Action Type This field contains the Action type. The type can be: Automated or Manual.
Action__c Description__c Description This field contains the description of the Action.
MMS_Detail__c MMS_Type__c MMS Type This field contains the type of the MMS. The type can be: Internal or External.
MMS_Detail__c MMS_Url__c MMS Url This field contains the URL of the MMS.
MMS_Detail__c SMS_History__c SMS History This field contains the ID of the related outgoing SMS.
Duration_To_View_History__c noOfDaysForCutOffDate__c noOfDaysForCutOffDate This field contains the value of the number of days for search on outgoing recieptent can be done to map to an incoming sender.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__c Incoming_SMS__c Incoming SMS This field contains the ID of the related incoming SMS.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__c MMS_Type__c MMS Type This field contains the type of the MMS. The type can be: Internal or External.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__c MMS_URL__c MMS URL This field contains the URL of the MMS.
Message_Object_Config__c Name_Field__c Name Field This field contains the API name of the name field of the object.
Message_Object_Config__c Object_Name__c Object Name This field contains the object name.
Message_Object_Config__c Opt_Out_Field_Value__c Opt Out Field Value This field contains the value of the OptOut.
Message_Object_Config__c Opt_Out_Field__c Opt Out Field This field contains the API name of OptOut field.
Message_Object_Config__c Opt_Out_Operator__c Opt Out Operator This field cotains the operator value to check if the record is opted out.
Action_Parameter__c Action__c Action This field contains the ID of the related Action record.
Action_Parameter__c Object__c Object This field contains the API name of the related MOC.
Action_Parameter__c Parameter_Name__c Parameter Name This field contains the name of the parameter.
Action_Parameter__c Parameter_Type__c Parameter Type This field contains the type of the parameter. The type can be: URL, Field, etc.
Action_Parameter__c Parameter__c Parameter Value This field contains the value of the parameter.
Converse_App_Action__c Automation_Key__c Automation Key This field contains the automation key used in the Process builder/workflows.
Converse_App_Action__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the lookup to the Converse App object.
Converse_App_Action__c End_Date__c End Date This field contains the end date of an Action.
Converse_App_Action__c Fallback_SenderId__c Fallback SenderId This field contains the Fallback sender ID if a sender ID corresponding to criteria is not found. Not specifying this field would fail messages for records where sender selection criteria did not return a valid sender ID.
Converse_App_Action__c List_View_ID__c List View ID This field contains the ID of the list view.
Converse_App_Action__c Message_App_Trigger_Name__c Message App Trigger Name This field contains the name of the message app trigger.
Converse_App_Action__c Message_App_Trigger__c Message App Trigger This field contains the type of the trigger. The type can be: Process Builder, Workflow, Manual, Detail, Pardot. etc.
Converse_App_Action__c Message_Sequence__c Message Sequence This field contains the message sequence.
Converse_App_Action__c Message_Text__c Message Text This field contains the message text used for sending SMS.
Converse_App_Action__c Mobile_Phone_Field__c Mobile Phone Field This field contains the mobile phone field used for sending SMS.
Converse_App_Action__c Purpose__c Purpose This field contains the purpose of the Action.
Converse_App_Action__c Respect_Subscription_Setting__c Respect Subscription Setting This field contains the value on which people get messages. The value can be: Opted Out people do not get messages and Opted In people get messages.
Converse_App_Action__c SMS_Schedule__c SMS Schedule This field contains the ID of the related schedule.
Converse_App_Action__c SMS_Template__c SMS Template This field contains the ID of the related template.
Converse_App_Action__c SenderIDSelectionCriteria__c SenderID Selection Criteria This field contains the value of the sender ID selction criteria. The value can be: Record Owner, Current User, etc.
Converse_App_Action__c SenderIDSelectionType__c SenderID Selection Type This field contains the value of the sender ID selection type. The value can be: Auto or Fixed.
Converse_App_Action__c Start_Date__c Start Date This field contains the start date of the Action.
Converse_App_Action__c Status__c Status This field contains the status of the Action. The status can be: Draft, Active, Paused, etc.
Converse_App_Action__c Task_Owner_Criteria__c Task Owner Criteria This field contains the criteria of the task owner. The criteria can be: Record Owner, Current User.
Converse_App_Action__c Template_Selection_Criteria__c Template Selection Criteria This field contains the criteria of the template selection.
Converse_App_Action__c Template_Selection_Type__c Template Selection Type This field contains the type of the template selction. The type can be: Auto or Fixed.
Converse_App_Action__c Type__c Type This field contains the type of Action. The type can be: Automation, Auto Reply, Schedule, etc.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__c Listing_Field__c Listing Field This field contains the API name of the field that is displayed on the Conversation listing.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__c Message_Object_Config__c Message Object Config This field contains the ID of the MOC for which the config is done.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__c Template_Field__c Template Field This field contains the template field to show. If blank, no template field is shown.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__c User__c User This field contains the ID of the user for whom the config is done.
Converse_App_Task__c Automation_Key_Reference__c Automation Key Reference This field contains the automation key reference.
Converse_App_Task__c Contact__c Contact This field contains the ID of the related contact.
Converse_App_Task__c Converse_App_Action__c Converse App Action This field contains the ID of the related action.
Converse_App_Task__c ErrorMessages__c Error Messages This field contains the error messages.
Converse_App_Task__c Event_Id__c Event Id This field contains the ID of the related event.
Converse_App_Task__c Incoming_SMS__c Incoming SMS This field contains the ID of the related incoming SMS.
Converse_App_Task__c Lead__c Lead This field contains the ID of the related lead.
Converse_App_Task__c SMS_History__c SMS History This field contains the ID of the related SMS history.
Converse_App_Task__c Status__c Status This field contains the value of the transaction status. The value can be: Success or Fail.
Converse_App_Task__c Task_Id__c Task Id This field contains the ID of the related task.
Converse_App_Task__c Template__c Template This field contains the ID of the related template.
Converse_App_Task__c Type__c Type This field contains the value of the transaction type. The value can be: Bulk or Automation.
Converse_App_Template_Map__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the ID of the related app.
Converse_App_Template_Map__c SMS_Template__c SMS Template This field contains the ID of the related SMS template.
Converse_App_Template_Map__c Type__c Type This field contains the value to map the template with Converse Apps
Action_Object__c Action__c Action This field contains the related action.
Action_Object__c Object__c Object This field contains the related message object.
Lead SMSOptOut__c SMS Opt Out Select this field to mark the Lead as OptOut.
Alpha_SenderID_Map__c Incoming_Sender_ID__c Incoming Sender ID This field contains the related Incoming Sender ID.
Alpha_SenderID_Map__c Outgoing_Sender_ID__c Outgoing Sender ID This field contains the related Outgoing Sender ID.
smsMagic__c Account__c Account This field contains the ID of the related Account.
smsMagic__c Campaign__c Campaign This field contains the ID of the related Campaign.
smsMagic__c Case__c Case This field contains the ID of the related Case.
smsMagic__c Contact__c Contact This field contains the ID of the related Contact.
smsMagic__c Conversation__c Conversation This field contains the ID of the related Conversation.
smsMagic__c Converse_App_Action__c Converse App Action This field contains the ID of the related Converse App Action.
smsMagic__c Converse_App_Task__c Converse App Task This field contains the ID of the related Converse App Task.
smsMagic__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
smsMagic__c Country__c Country This field contains the value of the recipient country.
smsMagic__c CreatedOn__c CreatedOn This field contains the created date.
smsMagic__c Direction__c Direction This field contains the direction of the message. The direction can be: OUT is for outgoing and IN is for inbound.
smsMagic__c Is_Text_Unicode__c Text Unicode Select this field to make the message Unicode.
smsMagic__c Lead__c Lead This field contains the ID of the related Lead.
smsMagic__c MMS_Subject__c MMS Subject This field contains the subject of the MMS.
smsMagic__c Message_Type__c Message Type This field contains the message type. The type can be: SMS or MMS.
smsMagic__c Name__c Name This field contains the value of the Name of the SMS recieptent.
smsMagic__c New__c New Select this field to make the message New.
smsMagic__c ObjectType__c ObjectType This field contains the Object type of the receiver. The type can be: Contact or Lead or User.
smsMagic__c Opportunity__c Opportunity This field contains the ID of the related Opportunity.
smsMagic__c PhoneNumber__c Mobile Number This field contains the mobile number of the recipient.
smsMagic__c Previous_Message__c Previous Message This field contains the lookup of previous message.
smsMagic__c SMSText__c SMSText This field contains the text sent to recipient.
smsMagic__c SMS_Credits__c Message Credits This field contains the credits consumed while sending message.
smsMagic__c SMS_Template__c SMS Template This field contains the ID of the related SMS template.
smsMagic__c SenderId__c SenderId This field contains the ID of the sender.
smsMagic__c Sent_By__c Sent By This field contains the Sent By date.
smsMagic__c Sent_On__c Sent On This field contains the Sent On date.
smsMagic__c Source__c Source This field contains the message source.
smsMagic__c Status__c Status

This field contains the status of message. The status can be: Delivered, Error, Failed, Queued, Submitted, etc.

  • DELIVERED – This status is displayed when we receive the delivery receipt of the sent message from the carrier which signifies that the message is successfully delivered.
  • ERROR – This status is displayed when messages fail to get sent from Salesforce. (Due to validations related to sender ID, Message Text, External fields etc.)
  • FAILED – This status is displayed when salesforce tried to sent messages but it got rejected by SMS-Magic server or couldn’t connect to SMS-Magic server
  • QUEUED – This status is displayed when messages are queued due to throttling being enabled on the customer account.
  • SUBMITTED – This status is displayed when messages are successfully sent to SMS-Magic server.The further status will get updated based upon the delivery reports received from carriers.
  • UNDELIVERED – This status is displayed when messages are successfully sent to recipients but are not delivered.
smsMagic__c Type__c Type This field contains the type of the transaction. The type can be: Incoming or Outgoing.
smsMagic__c Unformatted_Phone_Number__c Unformatted Phone Number This field contains the mobile number in an unformatted way.
smsMagic__c Use_Default_Sender__c Use Default Sender This field contains value of the default sender. The value can be: Record Owner or Current User.
smsMagic__c User__c User for Tasks created for User.
smsMagic__c disableSMSOnTrigger__c Disable SMS On Trigger This field contains the value for SMS History. The value can be: 1 for creating SMS History record only or 0 for making callout and creating SMS History record.
smsMagic__c external_field__c External Field This field contains the ID for external systems.
smsMagic__c statusMessage__c Status Message In case of any error in sending a message, an appropriate message is populated in the Status message field.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__c Remote_MMS_Url__c Remote MMS Url This field contains the Remote URL for MMS callouts.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__c Remote_Registration_Url__c Remote Registration Url This field contains the Remote URL for registration.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__c Remote_URL__c Remote URL This field contains the Remote URL for sending SMS.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__c Server_Location__c Server Location This field contains the value for server location of the SMS Magic database.
SMS_Schedule__c Campaign_Statuses__c Campaign Statuses This field contains the campaign member statuses.
SMS_Schedule__c Condition__c Condition To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c Date__c Date This field contains the date in GMT format.
SMS_Schedule__c End_Date__c End Date This field contains the end date of schedule.
SMS_Schedule__c Exclude_Phone_Json__c Exclude Phone Json To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c Failure_Reason__c Comments This field contains the failure reason.
SMS_Schedule__c Job_ID__c Job ID This field contains the ID of the schedule job.
SMS_Schedule__c List_View_Configuration__c List View Configuration To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c Name_Field__c Name Field This field contains the Name field.
SMS_Schedule__c Object__c Object This field contains the name of the message object.
SMS_Schedule__c Optout_Field__c Optout Field This field contains the Opt Out field.
SMS_Schedule__c Phone_Field__c Phone Field This field contains the Phone field.
SMS_Schedule__c Record_Ids__c Record Ids This field contains the ID of the record.
SMS_Schedule__c SMS_Template__c SMS Template This field contains ID of the template.
SMS_Schedule__c SMS_Text__c SMS Text This field contains the SMS text.
SMS_Schedule__c Schedule_JobId__c Schedule JobId This field contains the value of the random generatedj ob name.
SMS_Schedule__c Schedule_Name__c Schedule Name This field contains the scheduled job name.
SMS_Schedule__c Scheduled_Date__c Scheduled Date This field contains the scheduled date.
SMS_Schedule__c Selected_Days_RecurWeek__c Selected Days RecurWeek This field contains the days for weekly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__c Selected_Months_RecurMonthly__c Selected Months RecurMonthly This field contains the days for monthly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__c Selected_Months_RecurYearly__c Selected Months RecurYearly This field contains the days for yearly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__c Selected_User__c Selected User This field contains the selected user.
SMS_Schedule__c SenderId__c Sender Id This field contains the ID of the sender.
SMS_Schedule__c Show_Other_Users__c Show Other Users To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c Status__c Status This field contains the status. The status can be: scheduled, queued, etc.
SMS_Schedule__c Template_Id_Json__c Template Id Json To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c Unrelated_Object_ID__c Unrelated Object ID This field contains the ID of the unrelated object.
SMS_Schedule__c Variable_Day_RecurDay__c Variable Day RecurDay To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c isOptout__c Send To Optout Select this field to send SMS to OptOut records.
SMS_Schedule__c isRecurring__c isRecurring This field contains the value stating if the schedule is recurring.
SMS_Schedule__c recursTypeForDaily__c recursTypeForDaily This field contains the value stating if it is daily recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__c recursTypeMonthly__c recursTypeMonthly This field contains the value stating if it is monthly recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__c recursTypeYearly__c recursTypeYearly This field contains the value stating if it is yearly recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__c recursType__c recursType This field contains the type of schedule. The type can be: daily, monthly, or yearly.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedDateForYear__c selectedDateForYear This field contains the selected date for year.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedDayForMonth1__c selectedDayForMonth1 This field contains the selected day for start month.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedDayForMonth2__c selectedDayForMonth2 This field contains the selected day for end month.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedMonthForYear__c selectedMonthForYear This field contains the selected month for year.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedMonth__c selectedMonth This field contains the selected month.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedWeekDayForYear__c selectedWeekDayForYear This field contains the selected weekday for year.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedWeekForMonth__c selectedWeekForMonth This field contains the selected week for month.
SMS_Schedule__c selectedWeekForYear__c selectedWeekForYear This field contains the selected week for year.
SMS_Schedule__c variableMonth1__c variableMonth1 To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__c variableMonth2__c variableMonth2 To be deprecated.
Conversation_Related_Objects__c Absolute_Field__c Absolute Field This field contains the absolute API path from Conversation to Related object.
Conversation_Related_Objects__c Conversation_Field__c Conversation Field This field contains the reference field of related object on Conversation.
Conversation_Related_Objects__c MOC__c MOC This field contains the ID of the related MOC.
Conversation_Related_Objects__c Relative_Field__c Relative Field This field contains the relative API path from Conversation to Related object.
Conversation_Sender_Map__c Conversation__c Conversation This field contains the ID of the related conversation.
Conversation_Sender_Map__c SMS_SenderId__c SMS SenderId This field contains the ID of the related sender.
License_Management__c Standard__c Standard This field contains the total number of purchased licenses.
SMS_SenderId__c Description__c Description This field contains the description of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__c Email_Notification_Template__c Email Notification Template This field contains the ID of the email template used for notification.
SMS_SenderId__c Label__c Label This field contains the label of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__c Notification_Recipient__c Notification Recipient This field contains value of the Notification Recipient. The value can be None, Last Sender, etc.
SMS_SenderId__c Used_For__c Used For This field contains the description of the purpose of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__c senderId__c SenderId This field contains the ID of the sender.
Conversation__c Campaign__c Campaign This field contains the ID of the related Campaign.
Conversation__c Contact__c Contact This field contains the ID of the related Contact.
Conversation__c Converse_App_Action__c Converse App Action This field contains the ID of the related Converse App Action.
Conversation__c Converse_App__c Converse App This field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
Conversation__c Last_Incoming_Time__c Last Incoming Time This field contains the time of the Last Incoming Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__c Last_Message_Direction__c Last Message Direction This field contains the direction of the Last Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__c Last_Message_Time__c Last Message Time This field contains the time of the Last Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__c Last_Outgoing_Time__c Last Outgoing Time This field contains the time of the Last Outgoing Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__c Lead__c Lead This field contains the ID of the related Lead.
Conversation__c Mode__c Mode This field contains the value of the Mode. The value can be: Auto or Manual.
Conversation__c New_Count__c New Count This field contains the value of the count of new incoming messages.
Conversation__c Object__c Object This field contains the name of the Primary Object of Conversation.
Conversation__c Purpose__c Purpose This field contains the purpose of Conversation.
Conversation__c State__c State This field contains the value of the Conversation status. The value can be: Open or Closed.
Conversation__c account__c account This field contains the ID of the related Account.
Conversation__c case__c case This field contains the ID of the related Case.
Conversation__c isUnread__c isUnread This field identifies if the conversation has unread messages.
Conversation__c opportunity__c opportunity This field contains the ID of the related Opportunity.

Deprecated Fields

Object Name Field Name Field Label Field Description
SenderId_Profile_Map__c Default_SenderId__c Default SenderId This field contains the sender ID of the user.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c Profile__c Profile This field contains the profile name related to the sender ID of the user.
SenderId_Profile_Map__c Sender_Id__c Sender Id (Deprecated) Deprecated from version 1.31. Use smagicinteract__Default_SenderId__c field instead.
Message_Action__c Action__c Action This field contains the ID of the related Action.
Message_Action__c Case__c Case This field contains the ID of the related Action.
Message_Action__c Incoming_SMS__c Incoming SMS This is a message sent by the end user.
Message_Action__c Lead__c Lead This is a prospect that needs to be qualified as a real sales opportunity.
Message_Action__c SMS_History__c SMS History This field keeps the record of all outgoing and incoming SMS.
Conversation_View_Setting__c All__c All
Conversation_View_Setting__c Default_Sender__c Default Sender
Conversation_View_Setting__c Owner__c Owner
List_View_Execution__c BatchJobId__c BatchJobId
List_View_Execution__c Expexted_SMS__c Expexted SMS
List_View_Execution__c List_View_Configuration__c List View Configuration
List_View_Execution__c Messages_Delivered__c Messages Delivered
List_View_Execution__c Messages_Processed__c Messages Processed
List_View_Execution__c Opt_Out_Records__c Opt Out Records
List_View_Execution__c Optout_Field__c Optout Field
List_View_Execution__c Phone_Fields__c Phone Fields
List_View_Execution__c SMS_Text__c SMS Text
List_View_Execution__c Template_Name__c Template Name
List_View_Execution__c Time_Taken__c Time Taken
List_View_Execution__c Total_Records__c Total Records
List_View_Execution__c status__c status
LV_MMS_Detail__c List_View_Configuration__c List View Configuration
LV_MMS_Detail__c MMS_Type__c MMS Type
LV_MMS_Detail__c MMS_Url__c MMS Url
Incoming_Alert_Configuration__c isCustomize__c Customize For Each User
Incoming_Alert_Configuration__c isDisable__c Disable For All
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_1__c Step 1
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_2__c Step 2
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_3__c Step 3
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_4__c Step 4
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_5__c Step 5
SMS_Magic_SetUp_Tracker__c step_6__c Step 6
global_settings__c Allow_Popup_Msg__c Acknowledgement Popup Setting Select this field to enable popup to confirm an outgoing message.
Incoming_SMS__c MMS_Url__c MMS Url
Incoming_SMS__c Quick_Reply_URL__c Quick Reply URL
Incoming_SMS__c Sent_By__c Sent By
incoming_lookup_config__c MobilePhoneField__c Search MobileField Name
incoming_lookup_config__c Notify_Record_Owner__c Notify Record Owner
incoming_lookup_config__c ReferenceField__c Reference Name on Incoming Object
incoming_lookup_config__c incoming_sms_owner__c Incoming SMS Owner
incoming_lookup_config__c objectName__c Lookup Object Name
SMS_Template_Type__c Related_Object_Types__c Related Object API Name
SMS_Template_Type__c Template_Object_Type__c Object API Name
Optout_Settings__c Keyword__c Keyword
Optout_Settings__c Object_Name__c Object Name
Optout_Settings__c Optout_Field__c Optout Field
Scheduled_SMS__c MobilePhone__c MobilePhone
Scheduled_SMS__c ObjectId__c ObjectId
Scheduled_SMS__c Object_Type__c Object Type
Scheduled_SMS__c Scheduled_Date__c Scheduled Date
Scheduled_SMS__c jobId__c jobId
Scheduled_SMS__c smsText__c smsText
Scheduled_SMS__c status__c status
Filter_Setting__c Field_Name__c Field Name
Filter_Setting__c Field_Value__c Field Value
Filter_Setting__c List_View_Configuration__c List View Configuration
Filter_Setting__c Operator__c Operator
List_View_Configuration__c Criteria_Logical_Condition__c Criteria_Logical_Condition
List_View_Configuration__c Custom_Logic__c Custom Logic
List_View_Configuration__c Expexted_SMS__c Expexted SMS
List_View_Configuration__c Filter_Criteria__c Filter Criteria
List_View_Configuration__c Filter_Fields__c Filter Fields
List_View_Configuration__c MMS_Subject__c MMS Subject
List_View_Configuration__c Object_Name__c Object Name
List_View_Configuration__c OptOut_Records__c OptOut Records
List_View_Configuration__c Optout_Field__c Optout Field
List_View_Configuration__c Phone_Fields__c Phone Fields
List_View_Configuration__c Sender_Id__c Sender Id
List_View_Configuration__c Template_Body__c Template Body
List_View_Configuration__c Template_Id__c Template Id
List_View_Configuration__c Total_Records__c Total Records
List_View_Configuration__c optOut_Check__c optOut Check
Converse_App_Action__c Trigger_URL__c Trigger URL
Acknowledgement_Popup_Setting__c Allow_Popup_Msg__c Allow Popup Msg
smsMagic__c Delivery_Error_Message__c Delivery Error Message
smsMagic__c Favourite__c Favourite
smsMagic__c deliveryStatus__c Delivery Status This field is deprecated from version 1.52.We suggest not to refer to this field anymore. It is present because few of our customers on older versions refer to this field for reporting purposes. You should refer to the Status’ field only to know the correct status of sent messages.
smsMagic__c response__c Response
smsMagic__c sentStatus__c Sent Status This field is deprecated from version 1.52.We suggest not to refer to this field anymore.It is present because few of our customers on older versions referring to this field for reporting purposes.You should refer to the ‘Status’ field only to know the correct status of sent messages.
lookup_config__c lookupFound__c lookupFound
lookup_config__c lookupNotFound__c lookupNotFound
forward_config__c Keyword__c Keyword
forward_config__c forwardToEmail__c Forward Email To User
forward_config__c forwardToMobilePhone__c Forward SMS To User
forward_config__c forwardToUser__c User Name
forward_config__c methodName__c Method Name
Conversation__c Inbound_Number__c Inbound Number
Conversation__c Mobile_Number__c Mobile Number
Conversation__c Sender__c Sender