Contact Name Not Displayed for Incoming Messages

Issue Scenario

User is unable to view the contact name while viewing the relevant conversations on the converse desk.

Possible Causes

1.The lookup field is not populated on the incoming SMS record.

2.The object field is not populated on the conversation record.

3.The SMS was received from an unknown number


Follow the given procedure to resolve the issue:

1.Verify and assign appropriate permissions for the user.

2.Index the the Mobile field on the SMS History record if it is not indexed.

3.Populate the object type field on the conversation record, if required.

Incoming Messages not displayed in Converse Desk, ECD or Conversation View

Issue Scenario

While on the Converse Desk, ECD or on a conversation View, the user is unable to view incoming messages.

Possible Causes

•The lookup field is not populated on the incoming SMS record.

•The object field is not populated on the conversation record.

•Previous message field on SMS History was not populated.

•The SMS was received from an unknown number

•Sharing settings is not configured correctly


Follow the given procedure to resolve the issue:

1.Verify and assign appropriate permissions for the user.

2.Index the the Mobile field on the SMS History record if it is not indexed.

3.Populate the object type field on the conversation record, if required.

4.Review the Sharing settings/sharing rules on Conversations object that does not allow messages to be visible to specific people and grant access to the affected user.

Unable to Define a Default Sender ID for Users

Issue Scenario

User is unable to configure a default Sender ID for their users.


1.Refer to the topic on SMS History Visibility with Sharing Setting Rules for more details on assigning sender IDs.

2.Also refer the topic Add Sender IDs under Sender ID and Assignment in the Admin Guide.